Recipe of the week: Easy Leftovers Fritatta

October 24, 2022
Maddie Southall

Easy Leftovers Frittata

Use your leftovers to create the perfect light meal for a brunch or picnic.

Serves: 4

Time: 45 minutes 


5 eggs

¼ cup of milk

salt and pepper

1 ½ tablespoons of olive oil

1 small onion

1 teaspoon of minced garlic

100g leftover cooked meat

100g leftover cooked vegetables

1 bag of shredded cabbage (200g)

½ teaspoon of dried oregano


23cm square cake tin

baking paper

large mixing bowl

measuring cups



chopping knife

large chopping board

large frying pan


oven mitts

  1. Gather everything together

    Get all the ingredients and utensils together that are needed for this recipe. Put them on the bench so that you are ready to cook. Preheat the oven to 180℃. Line your tin with baking paper ensuring that the paper extends a couple of centimetres over the sides.
  1. Prepare the protein

    Crack the eggs into a large mixing bowl and add the milk, salt, and pepper. Gently whisk together until combined and set aside. Weigh 100g of your meat leftovers using the scales and set aside.
  1. Prepare the vegetables

    Cut off both ends of the onion and remove the skin. Cut the onion in half and slice. Weigh 100g of your vegetable leftovers using the scales and set aside.
  1. Start cooking

    Place the large frypan over medium heat and add the olive oil. Add the onion and garlic and cook for 3-5 minutes until soft. Mix in the meat, vegetables, cabbage, and oregano and stir occasionally for 2-3 minutes until heated through. Season with more salt and pepper.
  1. Bake the frittata

    Transfer mixture into the lined tin and place in the oven for 30 minutes. When ready, the egg should be cooked and the top will be golden brown.
  1. Cool and serve

    Remove the tin from the oven and leave to cool on stove top for 10 minutes. Lift the frittata out of the tin using the baking paper and place on chopping board. Slice into 4 pieces and serve.

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